About machinesonline.co.uk

About machinesonline.co.uk

machinesonline.co.uk is a UK based, global online industrial marketplace for companies to buy and sell surplus industrial plant, machinery and equipment through:

Auction Listings, Products Listings and Classified Advertisements

Coronavirus Crisis 2020 - Our offer to help our Industries

We understand 2020 will continue to be a challenge to all of us in the manufacturing, construction and allied industries. With this in mind we have a special registration offer, all companies that register on the site during 2020 will benefit from a special privilege membership.

This offer carries the usual small registration fee of £10.00 VAT but there will be no standard listing fees or final sales value commission for the first 120 days of membership.

Please feel free to browse the site and the machineonline.co.uk  “machineteam” look forward to being a valued assistant to your company with its future asset disposals and acquisitions.